Here’s an example of the Skill Tree UI, Always Remember to upgrade your JLv for you to Activate another skill. If you want to increase the level of a skill, you need to click on the small arrow below the icon of the respective skill on the right window. All the skills that you learnt will. Here is the best place for the Rappelz players to buy your Rappelz Rupees & Rappelz Rupee. We are the professional website for Rappelz Rupees & Rappelz Rupee selling. We just offer the lowest price for Rappelz Rupees and the best service, we are 24/7 online, if you have any problems with buying Cheapest and Fastest Rappelz Gold, you can.
Character Creation
- Provides male/female characters for 3 races
Re-Uploaded Rappelz KTS - Korean Test Server Re-Uploaded 2009-2010. Entry Level Start to Rappelz (Class/Job/Pet Choices, etc.) Rupee standpoint 11-02-15, 11:33 PM. Hi, I post these questions in hopes to get the most updated info and hope that it may help others as well in the near future. Question for you What recommendation would you give a new player starting who has no money or resources to start out? Rappelz is a 3D fantasy MMORPG with traditional gameplay elements and a wide variety of playable classes. Chose from one of three races, each with their own class trees, and explore the wide world of Rappelz.
- You can select from various appearance presets
From the appearance set, you can customize your character through your preferences with the following:
- Face: Hair Style, Face Dimension, Eyebrow, Eyes, Nose, Lips
- Body: Torso and Leg
- Color: Skin, Pupil, Beard, Hair
- Utilizing Camera: You can make various face customization with camera capture
- Dimension
Select Dimension
- You can select the Dimension you want to be affiliated with after progressing Area 1 ‘Trainee Island’
- You form a group with players that belong in the same Dimension
- You can form Guilds with players from the same Dimension or cooperate to play the contents
- You can oppose the players from other Dimensions or make alliances
- You can group up users from the same Dimension and do inter-dimension PvP contents in war zone(Horizon of Chaos)
- Dimension Contents
- Dimensional War: Content in which you declare war on another Dimension for a war between Dimensions
- Dimensional Quest: Quest contents that are progressed in other dimensions or in war zones
- Dimensional Stone/Gem: A high-grade growth item that you can obtain in war zone
- Character Information
- Current CP and Growth: You can view the Suggested CP for the current character’s status, and tell you what you can do for the currently unlocked contents.
- Upgrade level set: Displays set bonus that can be obtained when equipping 6 or more gears that is +7 or higher upgrade LV.
- Gear Grade set: Displays set bonus that can be obtained depending on the grade of the gear currently equipped.
- Gear set: Displays set bonus that can be obtained when equipping gears that is above Tier 5 and Grade S.
- Equipable weight and Attribute Potion
- Equipable Weight: Displays the current total weight of equipped gear and equipable weight.
- Attribute Potion: You can use elixirs to increase character’s Max HP, Max MP, accuracy and evasion permanently. The amount usable increases as you level up.
- Dismantle: You can dismantle gear and items to make them as materials.
- Displays character’s class and PK value, equipped title, weekly fame point and obtained daily glory points.
- Displays all attribute information of the character.
- Displays current obtained EXP and how much EXP is required for the next level.
- Skill
- Skill becomes more powerful as the skill level is higher.
- The skill level is expanded as the character level becomes higher.
- To upgrade Skills, you need [Skill Book] that is relevant to the skill level and a certain amount of rupee.
- [Skill Book] is purchasable with Honor Points(Coliseum, etc.)
- Skill Tree

- Skill Tree: You can select skills unique to each class and upgrade them.
- Skill Info: You can view the currently selected skill’s information.
- Skill Upgrade Info: You can view the cost of the currently selected skill, the success rate and also can purchase Skill Books.
- Class Skill: Can be upgraded with Rupee and Skill Book.
- Attack Skill
- Buff Skill
- Creature related skill: Mind Attack skill, Taming Skill, Summon skill.
- Skill List
- Gaia Skills
- Body Training – Max HP increases.
- Offense Training – Max. Phys. ATK increases.
- Defense Training – Max. Phys. DEF increases.
- Creature Control – Creature Deploy slot increases.
- Creature Taming – Attempts Taming Creature by using Creature Card.
- Cr. Taming Training – Max. Mind ATK increases.
- Cr. Taming Control – Min. Mind ATK increases.
- Creature Mastery – Max MP increases.
- Summon Creature – Summons deployed main Creature.
- Recall Creature – Summons deployed sub Creature temporarily.
- Provoke – Enmity level is temporarily increased during attack.
- Mental Concentration – Evasion increases temporarily.
- Gaia’s Blessing – Max. ELMT DEF increases.
- Gaia Spirit – Min. ELMT DEF increases.
- Wheel of Fortune – AOE ELMT ATK increases.
- Guard Training – Min. Phys. DEF increases.
- Critical Blow Spirit – Max. ELMT ATK increases.
- Escape Crisis – Remove and become immune from all status ailments.
- Smite – Attacks target by swinging down on it.
- Warrior Combat Skill – AOE Phys. ATK increases.
- Spinning Strike – Make a large swing to attack enemy.
- Log Split – Attacks enemy by swinging down on it like a log.
- Wind Slicer – Quickly slashes target like a wind.
- Warrior Weapon Skill – HP Absorption increases.
- Invincible Spirit – Become Invincible for a short period of time.
- Axe Mastery – Accuracy increases.
- Rock Split – Makes a heavy swing strong enough to split a rock.
- Shocking Blaze – Makes a large swing to attacks enemies in range.
- Scorching Spirit – Add. DMG temporarily increases.
- Hell Flame – Spreads a Hell Flame to enemies in front.
- Earth Tremble – Swings down on the ground to attack nearby enemies.
- Energy Management – Min ELMT ATK increases.
- Energy Charge – Charges energy by focusing.
- Energy Blast – Uses energy to deal Ranged ATK.
- Vitality Charge – Abs. Succ.(%) increases temporarily with energy.
- Energy Strength – Add. DMG(%) increases temporarily with energy.
- Energy Bombing – Attacks ranged enemies continuously with energy.
- Mind Control – Deals Mind ATK on monsters.
- Deva Skills
- Body Training – Max HP increases.
- Offense Training – Max Mag. ATK increases.
- Defense Training – Max. Mag. DEF increases.
- Creature Control – Creature Deploy slot increases.
- Creature Taming – Attempts Taming Creature by using Creature Card.
- Taming Training – Max. Mind ATK increases.
- Taming Control – Min. Mind ATK increases.
- Creature Mastery – Max MP increases.
- Summon Creature – Summons deployed main Creature.
- Recall Creature – Summons deployed sub Creature temporarily.
- Restoration – Recover targeted ally’s HP.
- Natural Harmony – Min Mag. ATK increases temporarily.
- Mind Defense – Min. Mag. DEF increases.
- Magical Armor Mastery – Max. ELMT DEF increases.
- Magical Weapon Mastery – Max. ELMT ATK increases.
- Energy Control – Min. Mind ATK increases.
- Healing – Recover my HP.
- Resurrection – Resurrects dead ally.
- Energy Beat – Fires an energy ball to attack target.
- Magical Training – Nontgt. M. ATK increases.
- Ice Spear – Attacks enemy with an Ice Spear.
- Cold Bolt – Fires icy arrows to attack enemy.
- Frozen Snare – Binds target with an icy trap.
- Clear Poison – Remove and become immune from all status ailments.
- Snow Slide – Causes an avalanche nearby to attack enemies nearby.
- Elemental Control – Accuracy increases.
- Land Spear – Attack enemies with sharp Rocks Spears.
- Roof Fall – Drops boulders to attack enemy.
- Acid Swamp – Makes the floor below a toxic swamp to attack.
- Acid Spray – Decreases target’s addiction and DEF.
- Earthquake – Causes an earthquake in a certain radius to attack.
- Bless of Mental – Min. ELMT DEF increases.
- Bless of Intelligence – Min +DMG Resistance increases.
- Bless of Vitality – Evasion increases.
- Bless of Strength – Min ELMT ATK increases.
- Shining Weapon – AOE ELMT ATK increases temporarily.
- Shining Armor – Max +DMG Resistance increases temporarily.
- Mind Control – Attacks monster’s mentality.
- Asura Skills
- Body Training – Max HP increases.
- Offense Training – Max. Phys. ATK increases.
- Defense Training – Max. Phys. DEF increases.
- Creature Control – Creature Deploy slot increases.
- Creature Taming – Attempts Taming Creature by using Creature Card.
- Taming Training – Max. Mind ATK increases.
- Taming Control – Min. Mind ATK increases.
- Creature Mastery – Max MP increases.
- Summon Creature – Summons deployed main Creature.
- Recall Creature – Summons deployed sub Creature temporarily.
- Oblivion – Temporarily lowers enmity while attacking
- Speed of Sage – Temporarily lowers skill cool time (excluding skills already used)
- Sturdy Asura – Min. Phys. DEF increases.
- Armor Mastery – Min Additional DMG Resistance increases.
- Avoidance Expert – Evasion increases.
- Concentration – Accuracy increases.
- Quick Pace – Remove and become immune from all status ailments.
- Deep Evasion – Moves a specific distance instantly.
- Critical Shot – Fires an arrow to attack enemy.
- Mind Control – Attacks monster’s mentality.
- Crossbow Mastery – AOE Physical ATK increases.
- Double Shot – Fires at enemy 2 times in a row.
- Thrust Arrow – Quickly aim the bow at the enemy to fire.
- Piercing Arrow – Take a careful aim at the enemy and fire.
- Cursed Arrow – Charges an energy and jumps and instantly attack the enemy.
- Drain Arrow – Temporarily increases Absorb Success(%)
- Hunter Impact – Min ELMT ATK increases.
- Sprinkle Arrow – Attacks enemy by shooting arrows continuously in the air.
- Dusk Style – Temporarily increases Max. ELMT DEF.
- Rapid Fire – Does a rapid shot of arrows to enemy.
- Hiding Enmity – Temporarily increases Max Additional DMG Resistance.
- Multiple Shaft – Shoots arrows in the air to attack enemies in range.
- Stealth – You can’t be attacked and can’t attack for a short period.
- Buring Style – Max ELMT ATK increases.
- Abyss Bolt – Temporarily increases HP Absorption.
- Defect Aiming – AOE ELMT ATK increases.
- Squall of Arrow – Temporarily increases Min. Physical ATK.
- Spiral Arrow – Deals a powerful shot by drawing the bow with all your might.
- Combo Skill
- You can freely register unlocked combo skills to the combo slot.
- The skill’s damage multiplier changes depending on which slot it’s registered.
- Damage increases if a skill is used after registering in the combo slot.
Rappelz Master Class
- Displays the skill list that can be registered to the combo slot and can preview the skill’s action when the skill is selected.
- You can register or remove the skill
- Displays information about the currently selected skill.
- QuickSlot
- You can easily register a single skill of choice to the quick slot for easy use.
- Displays the list of skills that can be registered to the quick slot and you can preview the skill’s action when the skill is selected.
- Displays information about the currently selected skill.
- You can register or remove skill to the selected quick slot.
Rappelz Skill Tree
- Ether
- You can craft and equip Ether with the Ether crafting materials that you can obtain in each Dimension.
- Ether equip slot is unlocked depending on the character’s level.
Rappelz Online Pc
- You can equip Ether of your choice among the Ether in your possession.
- You can view the Ether powder you own.
- Re-upgrade and Dismantle
- Re-upgrade: You can use Rupee and Ether powder in your possession to change a selected attribute to a random attribute.
- Dismantle: You can dismantle the Ether in your possession to obtain Ether powder.